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Playbox Glasgow

Technologies Used :

Unity, C#



Produced by Konglomerate Games

Link to Konglomerate Games:


What is the project about ?

While working at Konglomerate Games, we created Playbox Glasgow, a UK based innovation agency for social good, we created a fun simulation game that teaches users about food environments and their effect on peoples health!

My role working on Playbox Glasgow

A lot of my work on Playbox Glasgow handled many aspects of the UI. To start, we used a FSM [Finite State Machine] system using queues to allow for different states to be pushed and popped. This allowed us to focus on a singular piece, or groups of UI without any other interfearance. Alongside this, each state has state messages for interactive UI elements, for example, a button will need a specific button state message script, or a slider will need a slider state message script. This way, all UI interactions, and their expected outcomes can be handled with reusability in mind, making for a more efficent process.

I have also handled all tweening on the Playbox Glasgow project. In the gallery below, you can see some of the examples of tweens I have created. This included a timeline slider, universal tweens like a flashing when there are new information buttons, and glows on buttons to indicate that they are clickable. These universal tweens are useful as a designer could place them themselves without having to write any code or require assistance from a programmer.



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